Marcus, human fighter from Molthune [NPC'd - W]
Royy, 1/2 elf Andoran ranger, a badged Eagle Knight [A]
Makara, dwarven fighter from Highhelm [S]
Eddin, human cleric of Gorum the God of Battle [D]
Cilos, 1/2 elf druid from Falcon's Hollow [A]
Silowil, elf wizard from The Mordant Spire [B]
Althea, human sorceress from Cheliax [NPC'd - A]
James, human rogue from Razmiren [D]
Samuel, elf rogue (skirmisher) from Falcon's Hollow [K]
Adventure synopsis: PCs start in Falcon's Hollow and find a plague has hit the struggling settlement. Samuel's love who is also Cilos's mother has taken with Blackscour, a coughing illness with no cure in town. The larger group, made up of overlapping smaller circles of friendship gathers enough information to head off into the fell woods of the Darkmoon Vale in search of three ingredients which the town herbalist, Laurel, says she can use to brew an actual cure.
Samuel and Cilos are standing in line at "Roots and Remedies", the apothecary of town herbalist, Laurel
The group gets information on Blackscour, the horrible coughing malady that has many townsfolk very sick. Some have already passed.
Ingredients Laurel needs but doesn't have: (1) Everwood moss from the eldest tree in the Darkmoon Vale (2) a pickled root called Rat's Tail which the witch of the forest Ulizmina may have and (3) Ironbloom mushrooms which grow in metallic environments - to this the thought is that the ruined Dwarven fort at the mountain may be the best shot.
The group has a fun dinner that turns to raucous drinking and games at The Sitting Duck. Two games delight and endanger: "knifesies" and "mig-a-mug-tug". One lumberjack comes in with a huge .... claw/horn/fang/something that he says he was given three days ago in the wood by adventuring warrior Valeros and mage Seoni as those two headed toward Droksar's Crag, the peak to the NE.
Eddin, inebriated, stood up and asked for any information about the Darkmoon Vale, the witch, the eldest tree. More rounds, more song, more dwarven lifting of abandoned mugs.
The next morning the group headed to a logging camp. Samuel intimidated the camp boss and soon the woodsman Milos was fetched.
The group explained they wanted to find the three ingredients to the cure for Blackscour and you all learned that Milos was very concerned for his nephew who also sick with the dread disease.
Mid-day the group set out into the Darkmoon Vale led by the druid Cilos and the ranger Royy.
Nearing the lake at the center of the wood, the party could hear wimpering and came upon a Firefoot Fennec caught in a black iron leg trap.
A apparently clumsy hobgoblin hunter dropped his bow and arrow from high above in the trees and James ran off with that. The hobgoblin came down, angry, and Samuel himself had some clumsy difficulty with his rapier but in the end dispatched the humanoid. The fox was put down and its fur taken by James.
Game session ended there ..with the group en route to The Eldest Tree.
Story arc NPCs to date:
Jak Crimmy, proprietor of the town inn, The Jak'aNapes. Best flapjacks in the land. Jak is very talented, a retired bard.
Laurel, herbalist shop owner of "Roots and Remedies" in Falcon's Hollow
Jarlben Trookshavits, lumber camp boss
Milon Rhoddam, the best woodsman and lumberjack in Falcon's Hollow