Sunday, December 18, 2011

pre-Game Session 8

Campaign began in Falcon's Hollow, in the NW corner of Andoran.  We ran D0 Hollow's Last Hope, having spun adventures from that.  They are now at the town of Riverford along the River Andossan.  Eventual goal is to get to Oregent.  (plenty to do around there that's for sure!)

2nd level right now.  Here is the party:

Marcus, human fighter from Molthune
Royy, 1/2 elf Andoran ranger, a badged Eagle Knight
Makara, female dwarven fighter from Highhelm
Samuel, elf rogue (skirmisher) from Falcon's Hollow
Cilos, 1/2 elf druid from Falcon's Hollow
Silowil, female elf wizard from The Mordant Spire
James, human rogue from Razmiren
Althea, female human sorceress from Cheliax
Garrett, halfing sorcerer

The Shining Crusade

Pathfinder obsession!!  Here i've created a lyrical adaptation for The Shining Crusade, to the tune of The Foggy Dew.   Listen to Luke Kelly belt it out, his voice, but as it plays read my lyrics.  I imagine the song would be sung in taverns and pubs throughout Andoran, Nirmathas, Multhune, Lastwall and Taldor.  :D

Adapted Lyrics:

As down the glen one Gorzan morn to a town fair rode I
There Armed lines of Ozem knights in squadrons passed me by
No flute did hum, no battle drum did sound its dread tune
But the silver bell rang its death knell out through the foggy dew

Right proudly high over Encarthan Lake they flew the flag of war
'Twas better to die 'neath an Taldan sky than at Ardis or Karaeu
And from the town of Vellurnis strong men came hurrying through
While the Tyrant’s Shunned, with their Risen Ones, marched in through the foggy dew

'A Whispering Tyrant bade our bold host go, staying that "small nations might be free";
Their lonely graves are by Encarthan’s waves or the shores of the great Inner Sea.
Oh, had they died by Arazni’s side or fought with Iomedae True
Their graves we'd keep where the heroes sleep, 'neath the shroud of the foggy dew.

Oh the bravest fell, Vigil's Cathedral bell rang mournfully and clear
For those who died that Gorzan tide in the spring time of the year
And the world did gaze, in deep amaze, at those fearless blades, but few,
Who bore the fight that Taldor's light might shine through the foggy dew

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Pathfinder game 3 : Hollow's Last Hope [D0] continued, played 2011-August-1

From: PFDM
To: The players
Subject: Pathfinder game 3 : Hollow's Last Hope [D0] continued, played 2011-August-1
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2011 08:44:52 -0700


Marcus, human fighter from Molthune [W]
Royy, 1/2 elf Andoran ranger, a badged Eagle Knight [A]
Makara, dwarven fighter from Highhelm [S]
Eddin, human cleric of Gorum the God of Battle [D]
Samuel, elf rogue (skirmisher) from Falcon's Hollow [K]
Cilos, 1/2 elf druid from Falcon's Hollow [A]
Silowil, elf wizard from The Mordant Spire [B]
James, human rogue from Razmiren [D]
Althea, human sorceress from Cheliax [NPC'd - A]

Adventure synopsis:  The session began with the party still in the Monastery.  Adventuring down the hall the group went into a study.  Samuel snuck in and encountered two wolf-mothers sleeping with their litters of tiny closed eyes pups.  After hushed discussion the group let them be for the time being and advanced, turning left down the hallway's L shape.   The group came to the shrine and there battled octopus like Darkmantles, something Maraka the dwarven fighter was familiar with from stories of her people's deeper mines in the Five Kings Mountains.   The group cleared those, and made note of valuable darkwood church pews.  Moving on in the monastery the band of friends found some chambers with abandoned loot, mummified remains and a soiled hat.  After James cleared a net trap of stones and 2 anvils, and suddenly there was an unplanned battle with a very game two-blade bearing kobold rogue defending his quarters, who was dispatched by the clerc's greatsword.  This was to Royy's dismay.   The Eagle Knight ranger was irked that the kobold was slain outright - but being a priest of Gorum the god of battle, Eddin saw no issue with it.  The party was otherwise split on the issue.   Silowil carefully searched a moldy covered library exposed to the elements and found a valuable dwarven tome bound in chain mail fitting.  Other chambers produced loot such as a sliver hammer stamped with a religious symbol.  This monastery was beginning to show its dark history.  Once built to honor the dwarven deity Torag, at some point the place turned in on itself and all but one of its members began to worship Droskar, Lord of the Dark Furnace.

The team circled around to the largest room in the entire site, and there awoke the lord of the monastery, a massive canine Cilos identified as a Worg.   Marcus and Eddin entered first.  The worg showed strength but negotiated with the party in turn giving his she-wolves enough time to escape with the litters of wolf pups.   The last glimpse of the worg was as it ran down a long hallway towards the dark green of the forest, it looked back with its reflective black eyes, a cold hard stare as it and its clan retreated.   The team searched the large chamber and found the rest of the mushrooms needed as well as a secret door that lead down to a single room basement, a basic place that wasn't searched.   After collecting the needed fungus wise steps were taken to make sure the Ironbloom caps would grow again in time, as this place is full of metal especially buried bits of iron.  The group then left the monastery and made way back to the hut of the forest witch Ulizmina.   The band of friends was very cautious, and camped into the night at the edge of the leaning trees waiting to see if the dark sorceress would return or if lights would illum the hut.  Neither happened and so the group entered her abode.   Walking in the everyone wandered a bit, searching, when the witch's great cauldron came to life and attacked!!    <cliffhanger ending>

Story arc NPCs to date:

Jak Crimmy, proprietor of the town inn, The Jak'aNapes.  Best flapjacks in the land.  Jak is very talented, a retired bard.
Laurel, herbalist shop owner of "Roots and Remedies" in Falcon's Hollow
Jarlben Trookshavits, lumber camp boss
Milon Rhoddam, the best woodsman and lumberjack in Falcon's Hollow




Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Pathfinder game 2 : Hollow's Last Hope [D0] continued, played 2011-July-25

From: PFDM
To: the players
Subject: Pathfinder game 2 : Hollow's Last Hope [D0] continued, played 2011-July-25
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 08:35:46 -0700


Marcus, human fighter from Molthune [W]
Royy, 1/2 elf Andoran ranger, a badged Eagle Knight [A]
Makara, dwarven fighter from Highhelm [S]
Eddin, human cleric of Gorum the God of Battle [D]
Samuel, elf rogue (skirmisher) from Falcon's Hollow [K]
Cilos, 1/2 elf druid from Falcon's Hollow [A]
Silowil, elf wizard from The Mordant Spire [NPC'd - B]
Althea, human sorceress from Cheliax [NPC'd - A]
James, human rogue from Razmiren [NPC'd - D]

Adventure synopsis:  the team moved on in the Darkmoon Vale, to the Eldest Tree.  They fought and killed a strange wyrmkind beast that shot out at them from the 300 foot tall Eldest Tree.  Found loot among three dead bodies and gathered Elderwood moss that Laurel the apothecary needs to brew a cure for Blackscour back in Falcon's Hollow.  Ventured on to the clearing of Ulizmina, the witch of the wood.  The group was quite uneasy about entering her hut to get "rat's tail" so after checking things out from outside they left a note for her.   Heading on to the dwarven ruins, the group was surprised to find that the place is actually a very old dwaven Monastery.  Exploring the place they fought a monstrous spider in the tower, battled skeletons, saw signs of wolves + one very large wolf and picked up treasure along the way.  Found on the body of a non animated peacefully resting dwarven monk skeleton was a magic item - The Ring of Torag - and in its ribcage two Ironbloom mushrooms.  The group recalled that Laurel asked for seven in total for the medicinal brew.  The session ended with the party still in the Monastery.

A strange place it is, originally built upright and solid ..but now... somehow a veil of evil has fallen over it...

[Timeline omitted in lieu of above adventure synopsis]

Story arc NPCs to date:

Jak Crimmy, proprietor of the town inn, The Jak'aNapes.  Best flapjacks in the land.  Jak is very talented, a retired bard.
Laurel, herbalist shop owner of "Roots and Remedies" in Falcon's Hollow
Jarlben Trookshavits, lumber camp boss
Milon Rhoddam, the best woodsman and lumberjack in Falcon's Hollow




Wednesday, July 20, 2011

rambling again about pre-written modules + made up flow

So i have ordered three more 32 page modules from  Characters are now playing:

D0 Hollow's Last Hope which takes PCs 1st > 2nd level

And next up:

D1 Crown of the Kobold King, taking PCs 2nd  > at least 3rd level.

The three I bought tonight from are 5th level, 7th and 10th level modules.   So what I'll do is read through all and have a sorta-kinda general idea of how the party can get form one to the next.

Remember how we used to play White Plume Mountain, and then Expedition to the Barrier Peaks, and then go to Against the Giants ... how did we get from A > B > C?   Back then i don't think i had a great plan or too grand a scheme...

... but this time with a solid framework of pre-written modules complete with NPC's, organizations and plot twists I really believe i can sew together a great campaign.

We are one game session into this thing and the party seems like a very fertile group for role-playing.  Throw in some NPCs and some directional options and i think the players will have a really kick ass time.


We will see where it goes!  :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pathfinder game 1 : Hollow's Last Hope [D0] played 2011-July-18

From: PFDM
To: The players
Subject: Pathfinder game 1 : Hollow's Last Hope [D0] played 2011-July-18
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 07:49:44 -0700


Marcus, human fighter from Molthune [NPC'd - W]
Royy, 1/2 elf Andoran ranger, a badged Eagle Knight [A]
Makara, dwarven fighter from Highhelm [S]
Eddin, human cleric of Gorum the God of Battle [D]
Cilos, 1/2 elf druid from Falcon's Hollow [A]
Silowil, elf wizard from The Mordant Spire [B]
Althea, human sorceress from Cheliax [NPC'd - A]
James, human rogue from Razmiren [D]
Samuel, elf rogue (skirmisher) from Falcon's Hollow [K]

Adventure synopsis:  PCs start in Falcon's Hollow and find a plague has hit the struggling settlement.  Samuel's love who is also Cilos's mother has taken with Blackscour, a coughing illness with no cure in town.  The larger group, made up of overlapping smaller circles of friendship gathers enough information to head off into the fell woods of the Darkmoon Vale in search of three ingredients which the town herbalist, Laurel, says she can use to brew an actual cure.


Samuel and Cilos are standing in line at "Roots and Remedies", the apothecary of town herbalist, Laurel
The group gets information on Blackscour, the horrible coughing malady that has many townsfolk very sick.  Some have already passed.
Ingredients Laurel needs but doesn't have:   (1)  Everwood moss from the eldest tree in the Darkmoon Vale  (2) a pickled root called Rat's Tail which the witch of the forest Ulizmina may have and (3) Ironbloom mushrooms which grow in metallic environments - to this the thought is that the ruined Dwarven fort at the mountain may be the best shot.
The group has a fun dinner that turns to raucous drinking and games at The Sitting Duck.  Two games delight and endanger: "knifesies" and "mig-a-mug-tug".   One lumberjack comes in with a huge .... claw/horn/fang/something that he says he was given three days ago in the wood by adventuring warrior Valeros and mage Seoni as those two headed toward Droksar's Crag, the peak to the NE.
Eddin, inebriated, stood up and asked for any information about the Darkmoon Vale, the witch, the eldest tree.  More rounds, more song, more dwarven lifting of abandoned mugs.
The next morning the group headed to a logging camp.  Samuel intimidated the camp boss and soon the woodsman Milos was fetched.
The group explained they wanted to find the three ingredients to the cure for Blackscour and you all learned that Milos was very concerned for his nephew who also sick with the dread disease.
Mid-day the group set out into the Darkmoon Vale led by the druid Cilos and the ranger Royy.
Nearing the lake at the center of the wood, the party could hear wimpering and came upon a Firefoot Fennec caught in a black iron leg trap.
A apparently clumsy hobgoblin hunter dropped his bow and arrow from high above in the trees and James ran off with that.  The hobgoblin came down, angry, and Samuel himself had some clumsy difficulty with his rapier but in the end dispatched the humanoid.  The fox was put down and its fur taken by James.
Game session ended there ..with the group en route to The Eldest Tree.

Story arc NPCs to date:

Jak Crimmy, proprietor of the town inn, The Jak'aNapes.  Best flapjacks in the land.  Jak is very talented, a retired bard.
Laurel, herbalist shop owner of "Roots and Remedies" in Falcon's Hollow
Jarlben Trookshavits, lumber camp boss
Milon Rhoddam, the best woodsman and lumberjack in Falcon's Hollow




Friday, July 15, 2011

Using pre-written modules

So for this new campaign i am going back to using pre-written bought modules.  I am pretty excited about that.  I have been thinking back and I'm wondering if some of my best story lines were a combination of pre-written work and on-the-fly role playing that naturally comes about from gaming.

I remember back to jr.high and high school ... i would run a party through Keep on the Boarderlands even though I needed to place that spot, that region into my own world.  Heh now as i'm typing i am recalling many maps i hand drew and all those crazy games.   **smile**

So i think i have a great foundation with the Pathfinder Canon, and the D0 "Hollow's Last Hope" module I will run this coming Monday.

I have purchased D1 as well and plan to see if the players can meet the challenges of D0 > D1.   Then i think we'll have the ground work for a very fun low range story arc for the PCs levels 1 through 5.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011


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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Andoran [Nation]. Campaign starts in Falcon's Hollow, in northern Andoran!


TitlesBirthplace of Freedom
AlignmentNeutral good
RulerCodwin I
GovernmentParliamentary Democracy
Andoran (pronounced ann-DOHR-ann)[1] is a nation of the people, governed by the principals of Common Rule which grants every man a voice. Andoran holds the reins of its own destiny in the strong hands of its people. It is the birthplace of freedom.

See also: Timeline of Andoran

History Edit History sectionEdit

What is now the nation of Andoran was founded approximately in 1707 AR following the successful campaign of General Khastalus of Corentyn. At the time part of the empire of Taldor, the region was established in order to provide the imperial navy with ships; lumber harvested from the Arthfell Forest was transported to the shipyards at Augustana, and it was from here that that vessels destined to build colonies in Arcadia and the remnants of Azlant were launched.[2][3]
In the year 4081 AR, Andoran cut its ties with the Taldan empire. The move was prompted by Aspex the Even-Tongued, who sought to add the region to his fledgling empire in what would become known as the Even-Tongued Conquest. Facing challenges of corruption and decadence from within, as well as an invasion byQadira across the empire's southern border, Taldor was forced to cede Andoran to Cheliax.[2][3]

People's Revolt Edit People's Revolt sectionEdit

Andoran prospered as a part of the empire of Cheliax until 4606 AR. The death of the empire's patron god,Aroden, resulted in a power struggle among the nation's various noble houses. This civil war ended with House Thrune claiming control of Cheliax.[2][3]
House Thrune, a noble line dedicated to the service of infernal powers, demanded strict obedience and servitude from the citizens of the empire. Initially the ruling body of Andoran followed the mandates of Cheliax's new queen, but the people of the region quickly became outraged; in 4669 AR Andoran claimed its independence from the empire, casting aside its own noble class and establishing Common Rule. The newly-established nation abolished the practices of slavery and servitude, and embraced the believe that all are equal. Andoran continues to embody these ideals to this day, concepts they attempt to force upon other nations with what many feel to be idealistic and imperialistic fanaticism.[2]
One of the heroes of the People's Revolt was Aylsande Benedict, later nicknamed Lady Liberty.

Geography Edit Geography sectionEdit

Andoran is located on the northern coast of the Inner Sea. The nation is separated from its western neighbor, the empire of Cheliax, by the Aspodell Mountains. The Five Kings Mountains perform a similar function in the north, serving as a barrier between Andoran and the nations of DrumaIsger, and Kyonin. To the east lie the nations of Galt and Taldor; much of Andoran's eastern border lies within the Verduran Forest, and follows the flow of the Sellen River.[2]
Andoran's interior is dominated by plains and hills, and the remnants of Arthfell Forest. The nation's northwest region is known as Darkmoon Vale; the Vale's northernmost border is dominated by Droskar's Crag, a massive volcano that serves as the southernmost point of the Five Kings Mountains.[2][4]

Government Edit Government sectionEdit

Public servants in Andoran are regarded with a measure of suspicion and subject to regular scrutiny. The nation's ruling body is a group of 350 representatives known as the People's Council. Based out of the capital city of Almas, these individuals are elected by the nation's populace every five years; Andoran is divided into numerous municipalities, each of which is allowed to elect a single representative to the Council. Additionally, every major guild in the nation is also granted a representative. It's these individuals that are responsible for overseeing all aspects of the nation's government, from the selection of mayors for each municipality to the running of Andoran's military forces.[2][5]
The People's Council is led by the Supreme Elect, a position appointed by the Council's members following each election. The Supreme Elect manages the nation's Executive Office, and acts as the mayor of Almas. The People's Council also selects a supreme vicar from the local clergies of Abadar and Erastil. This individual serves primarily as an adviser to the Supreme Elect. The supreme vicar also acts as the bishop of Almas, and oversees the actions of all Andoran's faiths.[2][6]

Foreign Relations Edit Foreign Relations sectionEdit

Primary article: Andoran foreign relations
Being the only country in the Inner Sea region with with open, democratically-elected leaders, Andoran's relations with its more autocratic neighbors is generally poor. Foreign powers worry that their peasantry might desire freedoms similar to those earned by the people of Andoran as a result of the People's Revolt. This fear is reinforced by Andoran's efforts to spread its unique form of government beyond its borders. The nation even exhibits a willingness to bring its military might to bear when no other means of accomplishing this goal remain.[2][7]

Economy Edit Economy sectionEdit

Andoran is a nation abundant with natural resources, and transport ships carrying lumber, minerals, and other goods frequently leave the cities of Almas and Augustana for destinations throughout the Inner Sea region and beyond. Additionally, the nation's three leading exporters, House GoldfieldHouse Naran, and House Vaylen, operate large and profitable banks within the region. Andoran's banks provide readily accessible and affordable credit to the nation's people, though any who seek to exploit this system are exiled as traitors.[2][8]
Andoran profits from resources beyond its borders as well. Artifacts and resources originating throughout Golarion are gathered and sold. These goods are sometimes rare, often difficult to locate and obtain, and many groups fight one another to possess them; despite the risks involved, these items generate significant wealth for Andoran.[2]

Inhabitants Edit Inhabitants sectionEdit

Above all else, the people of Andoran are passionate about their country and their freedom. A history of being ruled by foreign powers, first under Taldor, and then Cheliax, resulted in a heavy burden; over time, as the region's resources and the people's independence were slowly worn away, this burden grew too great to be tolerated any longer. The proud people of Andoran claimed their nation's sovereignty, and are determined to prove to disbelievers that the concepts of freedom and equality that they hold will remain strong in the face of any hardship.[9]
The people that inhabit the nation of Andoran are highly opinionated, often holding differing perspectives on how best to preserve their nation and spread its influence. That said, almost all Andorans share certain beliefs in common. Arguments and discussions should be based on merit, rather than half-truths or falsehoods. All people have a right to have their voice heard, and one should be judged by their actions above all else. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, so long as it is not actually that of a foreign power. By embracing and preserving these beliefs and others like them, the people of Andoran hope to ensure Common Rule, and the freedom it brings, for many generations to come.