Friday, February 10, 2012

Pathfinder Game 11 summary: Nogortha Necropolis, take 1

Current Campaign Location:  Andoran, western half.  West of Andoshan River, south of city of Orgent.
[game 10] South bound overland.  Further and further away from civilization and into open territory.  The group fought strange shadow-mud creatures with gem eyes.  A stone with ancient script carved into it was found in center of a muddy pool nearby camp.  The wizard and sorcerers in the group determined the glyphs were Thassilonian and yet held a dweomer of eons ago.  An extremely rare find.  Later further south along the cart-track, met cultists of Razmir heading north in a caravan.  Coming to the depressed village of Harr where the cultists had left from, the group pitched in and re-kindled the faith in Iomedae.  The remaining towns folk were thankful and renewed.   Moving further south the group encountered goblins.
[game 11] Group decided not to engage the goblins and fled.  Arriving later at village of Blanchard.   Met a strange human druid, white face paint and wild hair.  Aldkalest was referred to by the elves in the community as "The Elder".  He was said to be "one who wanders the trees" of the Arthfell.  The friends met dwarves who have begun to gather over the last year in Blanchard.  Their lives center around the overly large forge, with bi-monthly trips into the barrow mounds of the Nogortha Necropolis.  The group was warned of mist, and visions, and ghosts but told if yea faith in your god or goddess is true you will be protected. 
Journeying to the hills the party found a ring of large burial stones atop a hill with a boar's head carving set mid-way up.  The center of the ring of stone henge-like stones had a dark, dirt covered ramp going down into the hill.  It spiralled and the team began to explore the caverns of this barrow mound.
Once in, the group was investigating a chamber with a deep pool and at its bottom some source of bright purple light.  The team was considering exploring it when a figure was discovered behind them, and perhaps with that figure two large slimy giant leeches.   Cilos the half-elf druid cast burning hands and blasted what turned out to be the star-struck stable boy.  A battle ensued with at total of six giant purple leeches where the lad and elf wizard Silowyl nearly died.
The group packed up the burned boy and during the trip back to Blanchard to leave him there Garret the halfing sorcerer/oracle of Sarenrae worked to convince the child to give up his wish to be a cavalry solider and instead give his heart to the Dawnflower, the Everflame.
But there were opportunities for others to talk to the lad as well, either along the journey, of if not, certainly back in Blanchard...

Pathfinder pre-Game 10: direction change! South overland from Oregent to Nogortha Necropolis

With game 10 we begin in overland travel south from Oregent.   The party decided to avoid the Nogortha Peaks and instead of taking the most direct route, you all chose to head south-south-west into plains and low rolling hills.

Immediately south of Oregent are small farming communities.  The terrain is easily travelled these first two days, as there is a dirt wagon track cutting its way.Environs look like this:

We begin the third day of travel with a bright yet chilly morning, the rising sun greets you all as you break camp...

Pathfinder Game 9: journey from Oregent to Nogortha Necropolis

30 miles SW of Oregent, begin the Norgotha Mountains.  Beyond, 20 miles further SW is the northern tip of the Arthfell Mountains.  There is said to be the Necropolis of Norgotha.  Barrow mounds of the buried tribal kings and queens.  Horse people who once lived in the Arthfell Forest, pushed out and slain by the Taldor army long long ago.
City of Oregent
HQ of the Lumber Consortium, Large NG Democratic City pop 22,700
Ruler: Mayor Elsbet Regere
17,933 humans 79%
2043   dwarves 9%
1135   halflings 5%
681    elves 3%
454    half-elves 2%
227    gnomes 1%
227    other (half-orcs, other) 1%
Total guard: rumored to be 300 in number?
54 clergy tend spiritual needs of the Town overseen by 8 priests.
(reference city map):
T1:  Temple of Abadar, Master of the First Vault.  God of cities, wealth, merchants and Law.  Located in Coin Hill.
T2:  Shrine of Erastil, “Old Deadeye”.  God of family, farming, hunting and trade.  Just south of Wedding Bridge.
T3:  Hall of Cayden Cailean, The Drunken Hero.  God of bravery, wine, ale and freedom.  South of town, outside the walls.
T4:  Temple of Iomedae, The Ineritor.  Goddess of Justice, valor and honor.  Located in Old Town, near the North Wall.
T5:  Forge of Torag, Father of Creation.  God of forges, protection and strategy.  Located in the Dwarven Quarters.
Services in this Town:
Magic Shops:1 
General Merchants:3
Cobblers: 13
Hawk’s Alehouse [high class beerhall, Coin Hill]
The Golden Book [fine restaurant, Coin Hill]
The Dancing Minotaur [high class tavern, Coin Hill]
** The Mystic [Inn, high class, Coin Hill] Dead King’s Tavern The Alehouse ** Four Spider's Hall [Inn, middle class] The Jackal's Hall The Priest's Flask
Geb’s Crypt Drunken Raven Saloon [popular w/ travellers, adjacent the Elven Quarter] The Bronze Gates [full of religious curios] The Dragon’s Tale
The Vulgar Hobgoblin Saloon
The Stockades [rowdy beerhall just outside of Fort St.Lymirin's north wall] ** The Duke's Stein [Inn and brothel, low class, off the docs near Shrine of Erastil] The Howling Wolf [“the wolf”, a rough low class bar in The Stacks] The Tavern of Goblins [low class, in deep Old Town near West Wall]
The Blind Naga [low class dive w/ sculpture, east end of The Wedge]

Sunday, December 18, 2011

pre-Game Session 8

Campaign began in Falcon's Hollow, in the NW corner of Andoran.  We ran D0 Hollow's Last Hope, having spun adventures from that.  They are now at the town of Riverford along the River Andossan.  Eventual goal is to get to Oregent.  (plenty to do around there that's for sure!)

2nd level right now.  Here is the party:

Marcus, human fighter from Molthune
Royy, 1/2 elf Andoran ranger, a badged Eagle Knight
Makara, female dwarven fighter from Highhelm
Samuel, elf rogue (skirmisher) from Falcon's Hollow
Cilos, 1/2 elf druid from Falcon's Hollow
Silowil, female elf wizard from The Mordant Spire
James, human rogue from Razmiren
Althea, female human sorceress from Cheliax
Garrett, halfing sorcerer

The Shining Crusade

Pathfinder obsession!!  Here i've created a lyrical adaptation for The Shining Crusade, to the tune of The Foggy Dew.   Listen to Luke Kelly belt it out, his voice, but as it plays read my lyrics.  I imagine the song would be sung in taverns and pubs throughout Andoran, Nirmathas, Multhune, Lastwall and Taldor.  :D

Adapted Lyrics:

As down the glen one Gorzan morn to a town fair rode I
There Armed lines of Ozem knights in squadrons passed me by
No flute did hum, no battle drum did sound its dread tune
But the silver bell rang its death knell out through the foggy dew

Right proudly high over Encarthan Lake they flew the flag of war
'Twas better to die 'neath an Taldan sky than at Ardis or Karaeu
And from the town of Vellurnis strong men came hurrying through
While the Tyrant’s Shunned, with their Risen Ones, marched in through the foggy dew

'A Whispering Tyrant bade our bold host go, staying that "small nations might be free";
Their lonely graves are by Encarthan’s waves or the shores of the great Inner Sea.
Oh, had they died by Arazni’s side or fought with Iomedae True
Their graves we'd keep where the heroes sleep, 'neath the shroud of the foggy dew.

Oh the bravest fell, Vigil's Cathedral bell rang mournfully and clear
For those who died that Gorzan tide in the spring time of the year
And the world did gaze, in deep amaze, at those fearless blades, but few,
Who bore the fight that Taldor's light might shine through the foggy dew

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Pathfinder game 3 : Hollow's Last Hope [D0] continued, played 2011-August-1

From: PFDM
To: The players
Subject: Pathfinder game 3 : Hollow's Last Hope [D0] continued, played 2011-August-1
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2011 08:44:52 -0700


Marcus, human fighter from Molthune [W]
Royy, 1/2 elf Andoran ranger, a badged Eagle Knight [A]
Makara, dwarven fighter from Highhelm [S]
Eddin, human cleric of Gorum the God of Battle [D]
Samuel, elf rogue (skirmisher) from Falcon's Hollow [K]
Cilos, 1/2 elf druid from Falcon's Hollow [A]
Silowil, elf wizard from The Mordant Spire [B]
James, human rogue from Razmiren [D]
Althea, human sorceress from Cheliax [NPC'd - A]

Adventure synopsis:  The session began with the party still in the Monastery.  Adventuring down the hall the group went into a study.  Samuel snuck in and encountered two wolf-mothers sleeping with their litters of tiny closed eyes pups.  After hushed discussion the group let them be for the time being and advanced, turning left down the hallway's L shape.   The group came to the shrine and there battled octopus like Darkmantles, something Maraka the dwarven fighter was familiar with from stories of her people's deeper mines in the Five Kings Mountains.   The group cleared those, and made note of valuable darkwood church pews.  Moving on in the monastery the band of friends found some chambers with abandoned loot, mummified remains and a soiled hat.  After James cleared a net trap of stones and 2 anvils, and suddenly there was an unplanned battle with a very game two-blade bearing kobold rogue defending his quarters, who was dispatched by the clerc's greatsword.  This was to Royy's dismay.   The Eagle Knight ranger was irked that the kobold was slain outright - but being a priest of Gorum the god of battle, Eddin saw no issue with it.  The party was otherwise split on the issue.   Silowil carefully searched a moldy covered library exposed to the elements and found a valuable dwarven tome bound in chain mail fitting.  Other chambers produced loot such as a sliver hammer stamped with a religious symbol.  This monastery was beginning to show its dark history.  Once built to honor the dwarven deity Torag, at some point the place turned in on itself and all but one of its members began to worship Droskar, Lord of the Dark Furnace.

The team circled around to the largest room in the entire site, and there awoke the lord of the monastery, a massive canine Cilos identified as a Worg.   Marcus and Eddin entered first.  The worg showed strength but negotiated with the party in turn giving his she-wolves enough time to escape with the litters of wolf pups.   The last glimpse of the worg was as it ran down a long hallway towards the dark green of the forest, it looked back with its reflective black eyes, a cold hard stare as it and its clan retreated.   The team searched the large chamber and found the rest of the mushrooms needed as well as a secret door that lead down to a single room basement, a basic place that wasn't searched.   After collecting the needed fungus wise steps were taken to make sure the Ironbloom caps would grow again in time, as this place is full of metal especially buried bits of iron.  The group then left the monastery and made way back to the hut of the forest witch Ulizmina.   The band of friends was very cautious, and camped into the night at the edge of the leaning trees waiting to see if the dark sorceress would return or if lights would illum the hut.  Neither happened and so the group entered her abode.   Walking in the everyone wandered a bit, searching, when the witch's great cauldron came to life and attacked!!    <cliffhanger ending>

Story arc NPCs to date:

Jak Crimmy, proprietor of the town inn, The Jak'aNapes.  Best flapjacks in the land.  Jak is very talented, a retired bard.
Laurel, herbalist shop owner of "Roots and Remedies" in Falcon's Hollow
Jarlben Trookshavits, lumber camp boss
Milon Rhoddam, the best woodsman and lumberjack in Falcon's Hollow




Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Pathfinder game 2 : Hollow's Last Hope [D0] continued, played 2011-July-25

From: PFDM
To: the players
Subject: Pathfinder game 2 : Hollow's Last Hope [D0] continued, played 2011-July-25
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 08:35:46 -0700


Marcus, human fighter from Molthune [W]
Royy, 1/2 elf Andoran ranger, a badged Eagle Knight [A]
Makara, dwarven fighter from Highhelm [S]
Eddin, human cleric of Gorum the God of Battle [D]
Samuel, elf rogue (skirmisher) from Falcon's Hollow [K]
Cilos, 1/2 elf druid from Falcon's Hollow [A]
Silowil, elf wizard from The Mordant Spire [NPC'd - B]
Althea, human sorceress from Cheliax [NPC'd - A]
James, human rogue from Razmiren [NPC'd - D]

Adventure synopsis:  the team moved on in the Darkmoon Vale, to the Eldest Tree.  They fought and killed a strange wyrmkind beast that shot out at them from the 300 foot tall Eldest Tree.  Found loot among three dead bodies and gathered Elderwood moss that Laurel the apothecary needs to brew a cure for Blackscour back in Falcon's Hollow.  Ventured on to the clearing of Ulizmina, the witch of the wood.  The group was quite uneasy about entering her hut to get "rat's tail" so after checking things out from outside they left a note for her.   Heading on to the dwarven ruins, the group was surprised to find that the place is actually a very old dwaven Monastery.  Exploring the place they fought a monstrous spider in the tower, battled skeletons, saw signs of wolves + one very large wolf and picked up treasure along the way.  Found on the body of a non animated peacefully resting dwarven monk skeleton was a magic item - The Ring of Torag - and in its ribcage two Ironbloom mushrooms.  The group recalled that Laurel asked for seven in total for the medicinal brew.  The session ended with the party still in the Monastery.

A strange place it is, originally built upright and solid ..but now... somehow a veil of evil has fallen over it...

[Timeline omitted in lieu of above adventure synopsis]

Story arc NPCs to date:

Jak Crimmy, proprietor of the town inn, The Jak'aNapes.  Best flapjacks in the land.  Jak is very talented, a retired bard.
Laurel, herbalist shop owner of "Roots and Remedies" in Falcon's Hollow
Jarlben Trookshavits, lumber camp boss
Milon Rhoddam, the best woodsman and lumberjack in Falcon's Hollow
