Friday, February 10, 2012

Pathfinder Game 9: journey from Oregent to Nogortha Necropolis

30 miles SW of Oregent, begin the Norgotha Mountains.  Beyond, 20 miles further SW is the northern tip of the Arthfell Mountains.  There is said to be the Necropolis of Norgotha.  Barrow mounds of the buried tribal kings and queens.  Horse people who once lived in the Arthfell Forest, pushed out and slain by the Taldor army long long ago.
City of Oregent
HQ of the Lumber Consortium, Large NG Democratic City pop 22,700
Ruler: Mayor Elsbet Regere
17,933 humans 79%
2043   dwarves 9%
1135   halflings 5%
681    elves 3%
454    half-elves 2%
227    gnomes 1%
227    other (half-orcs, other) 1%
Total guard: rumored to be 300 in number?
54 clergy tend spiritual needs of the Town overseen by 8 priests.
(reference city map):
T1:  Temple of Abadar, Master of the First Vault.  God of cities, wealth, merchants and Law.  Located in Coin Hill.
T2:  Shrine of Erastil, “Old Deadeye”.  God of family, farming, hunting and trade.  Just south of Wedding Bridge.
T3:  Hall of Cayden Cailean, The Drunken Hero.  God of bravery, wine, ale and freedom.  South of town, outside the walls.
T4:  Temple of Iomedae, The Ineritor.  Goddess of Justice, valor and honor.  Located in Old Town, near the North Wall.
T5:  Forge of Torag, Father of Creation.  God of forges, protection and strategy.  Located in the Dwarven Quarters.
Services in this Town:
Magic Shops:1 
General Merchants:3
Cobblers: 13
Hawk’s Alehouse [high class beerhall, Coin Hill]
The Golden Book [fine restaurant, Coin Hill]
The Dancing Minotaur [high class tavern, Coin Hill]
** The Mystic [Inn, high class, Coin Hill] Dead King’s Tavern The Alehouse ** Four Spider's Hall [Inn, middle class] The Jackal's Hall The Priest's Flask
Geb’s Crypt Drunken Raven Saloon [popular w/ travellers, adjacent the Elven Quarter] The Bronze Gates [full of religious curios] The Dragon’s Tale
The Vulgar Hobgoblin Saloon
The Stockades [rowdy beerhall just outside of Fort St.Lymirin's north wall] ** The Duke's Stein [Inn and brothel, low class, off the docs near Shrine of Erastil] The Howling Wolf [“the wolf”, a rough low class bar in The Stacks] The Tavern of Goblins [low class, in deep Old Town near West Wall]
The Blind Naga [low class dive w/ sculpture, east end of The Wedge]

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