Friday, February 10, 2012

Pathfinder Game 11 summary: Nogortha Necropolis, take 1

Current Campaign Location:  Andoran, western half.  West of Andoshan River, south of city of Orgent.
[game 10] South bound overland.  Further and further away from civilization and into open territory.  The group fought strange shadow-mud creatures with gem eyes.  A stone with ancient script carved into it was found in center of a muddy pool nearby camp.  The wizard and sorcerers in the group determined the glyphs were Thassilonian and yet held a dweomer of eons ago.  An extremely rare find.  Later further south along the cart-track, met cultists of Razmir heading north in a caravan.  Coming to the depressed village of Harr where the cultists had left from, the group pitched in and re-kindled the faith in Iomedae.  The remaining towns folk were thankful and renewed.   Moving further south the group encountered goblins.
[game 11] Group decided not to engage the goblins and fled.  Arriving later at village of Blanchard.   Met a strange human druid, white face paint and wild hair.  Aldkalest was referred to by the elves in the community as "The Elder".  He was said to be "one who wanders the trees" of the Arthfell.  The friends met dwarves who have begun to gather over the last year in Blanchard.  Their lives center around the overly large forge, with bi-monthly trips into the barrow mounds of the Nogortha Necropolis.  The group was warned of mist, and visions, and ghosts but told if yea faith in your god or goddess is true you will be protected. 
Journeying to the hills the party found a ring of large burial stones atop a hill with a boar's head carving set mid-way up.  The center of the ring of stone henge-like stones had a dark, dirt covered ramp going down into the hill.  It spiralled and the team began to explore the caverns of this barrow mound.
Once in, the group was investigating a chamber with a deep pool and at its bottom some source of bright purple light.  The team was considering exploring it when a figure was discovered behind them, and perhaps with that figure two large slimy giant leeches.   Cilos the half-elf druid cast burning hands and blasted what turned out to be the star-struck stable boy.  A battle ensued with at total of six giant purple leeches where the lad and elf wizard Silowyl nearly died.
The group packed up the burned boy and during the trip back to Blanchard to leave him there Garret the halfing sorcerer/oracle of Sarenrae worked to convince the child to give up his wish to be a cavalry solider and instead give his heart to the Dawnflower, the Everflame.
But there were opportunities for others to talk to the lad as well, either along the journey, of if not, certainly back in Blanchard...

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